The long drought and scorching summer has brought a bonanza in sightings in Nagarhole National Park, I had Great sightings of the subadult tigers and a leopard. Hope you enjoy the pictures.It is a great time to visit and enjoy Nagarhole National park now. I was able to make 3 trips this summer.
May 18-20

April 25-28
The Sub Adult cub splashes into the tiger tank in Kabini

The Princess of Hoskote tank
The cub watches out for its siblings

Habitat shot of the Black Panther
The BP
The Black Panther
Trip 1
The backwater subadult female enjoys her soak in the waterhole
The tigress likes a shake off
The Tigress after her dip
The subadult Male among the dry vegetation
The Subadult Male
The Temple male on MM road
Appreciate your time. Thanks